Under the new leadership of Lisa "Breeze" Wallace and her compatriot Debbie Edwards, the Suislaw Chapter is off to a great start in 2015. They've already knocked out a rapid response cleanup in sensitive snowy plover habitat between the Siltcoos River and Tahkenitch Creek, organized a highway cleanup adjacent to the Cape Perpetua Marine Protected Area and planned a great community presentation on climate change and coastal adaptation titled A Rising Tide: Coping with a Changing Coast.
When not moonlighting as rockstar volunteers protecting our coastal resources, Lisa and Debbie are both Park Rangers in the Florence area where they are, well, working to protect our coastal resources! If that wasn't enough, they are also both preschool staff teaching environmental education to our next generation of ocean stewards!
If you see these awesome activists around town make sure and give them a high-five, hug or huge shout-out and keep your eyes on the chapter's calendar for upcoming events and ways to get involved.